Why is it important?
The Power of Pain Campaign
“Reserve your human rights by standing up to the corruption.”
Thank you for standing up for what’s right! You have no idea what it means to me to find likeminded people in this EVIL- ridden world. This campaign was developed to stand up to our corrupt system. To reserve our basic human rights, civil rights, and privacy rights. Joining me in this fight means there is one less evil individual in this world.
By subscribing to my Campaign, You can help me SHARE my story! It’s FREE to be a Decent HUMAN! I was not only revictimized again, but my children are suffering and now, another baby of mine is suffering due to the corruption, laws broken, and my basic rights being taken. All You have to do is Subscribe to stand up to the system. Share my story with everyone, and help me fight for my rights!
I thank you again for supporting me in this FIGHT. If you click the button below, there is a 5$ donation box. This FUND supports my efforts on getting my story out into the world, and also supporting other families in need to tell their story.
For your donation, You will receive a FREE chapter from my book, “Codependency No More,” a fantasy, romance, and thriller novella.
Just click the BELL at the top to SUBSCRIBE. I will then email your FREE gift.
Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE to my author page to receive your FREE audio.
Sponsor of GreenwattUSA
Join the clean energy bill NOW
NYSERDA is sponsoring a savings program through NYSEG for ALL residents
The best part is it’s FREE!
Clean energy. ITS NOT A SCAM!!!.
FYI: Use my name in the ambassador ID field. Upload your utility bill, and start saving NOW. Businesses, nonprofits, and any residents of NYS are eligible for this FREE credit. SIGNUP TODAY!