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Build Your Digital Brand!

Why You Should Build Your Brand by Using The Power of Pain Course

I spent the last couple of days researching. As an avid writer, and published author, it’s a great idea to keep up on current trends. Since everything I do revolves around promoting others and myself, I figured I’d learn how to teach a digital course. That’s why I started this mom blog while going through labor.

Pain is my brand for a reason. It has brought me here to all of You. Without “The Power of Pain,” I wouldn’t be me again. The kind, humble me, who loves nature, writing, and adventure. After publishing my series, The Road Back to You, globally, in digital and print form, I decided to be my own marketing platform. Creation. That’s my mission for a reason. To empower you to be you while using my brand, #thepowerofpain, to get the life you deserve.

Taylor Stanford: Why Taylor is Important in my Life?

(Mom, Blogger and Course Creator)

Why You Should Take Taylor Stanford Courses?

Taking Taylor’s courses have not only brought me here to ALL of YOU, but gave me so much inspiration to achieve my biggest FEARS. She holds your hand through every part. From DAY ONE, I knew it was the best decision I ever made.

Why Taylor Stanford is the Best Blog Creator Course Choice?

Thank you, again, #TaylorStanford for the one on one help, and inspiration. It’s great when you can find someone who understands the #momlife, worklife, and still be you. As my #authorlife continues, so does my #marketingbusiness, and new ways to get the life I deserve. Taylor provided a lot of content in various forms so everyone can participate. She is the type of person I’ve been looking to collaborate with, and promotes positivity.

You can SIGN up HERE

https://taylorstanford.com/programs for Taylor’s BLOG course.

My mission is “to empower, to teach, and show you to be the best you by using #thepowerofpain to get the life you deserve.” In doing so, I’ve brought back the Empire I started 7 years ago, and have rebranded myself and my business to what it is today. My new and continued mission is to empower and teach children to do so too. That’s why I’m building a course. Everything I’ve created is because of my children. To not only give them the life they deserve, but to show them giving up is never an option. So if you want to turn your passion into a career, sign up for Taylor’s blog course. 🌄📚📖☑️⏬️

To be a part of the next Wednesday Promo Day, schedule a consult. To see the newest video Click HERE!


Promoting Everyone Promotes You

“When you give in to love again, and it hurts you, don’t give up! Keep truckin’, punching fear in the face until one day you say ENOUGH!”

How The Power of Pain Helped Me Create Again

I started out my writing journey again by going through the worst pain of my life.

Read that series, The Road Back toYou, HERE!

New Outlook: How The Power of Pain Changed Me Positively?

It’s up to YOU to embrace opportunities, or allow them to pass YOU by!

Currently in my AUTHOR Life…

Currently, I am looking to collaborate with likeminded organizations, foundations, and nonprofits to raise awareness for Usher Syndrome. In doing so, I am looking to start a Fundraiser and build brand awareness for the rare genotype 1B.

I am currently raising money for #savesightnow. If you would like to be a part of something bigger, message me or leave me a comment. katiemerrittconsulting@gmail.com

The Back Road to You

Latest Book Release

Read, The Back Road to You NOW

<#theroadbacktoyouseries >

“You weren’t born to just live and die.”

The Power of Pain Marketing course:

“EMPOWERING You to be a better You.”

/TThe Power of Pain course

The Power of Pain Signup Sheet

Once the course launches, you’ll be on your way to empowering who you are meant to be!

“Empowering Codependent Women to use The Power of Pain to get the Life You deserve, one video at a time.”

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