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Build Your Digital Brand!

How to Use Substack to Build Your Brand?

Writing on Substack

So my first ever comment on my blog happened in day one. She entailed her writing journey with a platform called Substack. I decided to take a peek at what it entailed. I’m glad I did. Within my first post, I started curating subscribers. With this platform, you have the ability to do so many things to make money. Being a writer has always been about being myself while sharing my story. Writing digitally has been the best turn around for my author career and my consulting business. The more you write, the better you get. I’ve been a writer since I was 5. I knew I wanted to be a teacher since then too. The scene from “Mr. DEED’s” where the reporter talks about her Holly Hobby Notebook, that was me. I knew I wanted to be a teacher and an author, and I liked recording conversations, and writing about them. Once I learned lyrics, poetry, and story telling, that became a part of me too. Even Research was inspiring. Since finishing my mini series, The Road Back to You, I have developed two romance novels. I also have began working on my second series, The You Series. I’ve taken my writing to various platforms, and created my chapters through vlogging, and now I’m blogging fulltime as well as continuing to teach and publish. All the while, I still get to be. I am continuing on in my journey by using my brand, #thepowerofpain, to empower women to rid the evil, be better and do better, and get the life they deserve. My spiritual journey has lead me on a windy, twisted road, but it has lead me to who I truly am meant to be.

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