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Build Your Digital Brand!


Hello Y’all! 😊✨️

I’m Katie.

Writing has always been my biggest attribute. From the time I can remember, reading, writing and teaching is WHO I AM.

As an author, I’m also an avid reader. I, at one point, was an English tutor. I started my career path as a teacher focusing on getting my PHD in English. It’s always been a part of ME. I will continue supporting likeminded individuals.

As an author and reader, my tropes/genres I find entertaining, are THRILLER, ROMANCE, CRIME, and SCI/FI. I also love educational based and self help books.

My current series, The Road Back to You series, has a variety of each GENRE. My focus is Empowering You to be you by using my brand, <#thepowerofpain,> to get the life you deserve. Throughout this series, you’ll learn how to overcome your biggest fears, and open up to a world of possibilities you never truly focused on. Through the power of spiritual healing, and self care, you’ll discover who you are truly meant to be.

Titles I Go BY

“Author, Digital Marketing Consultant, TV producer, Publisher, and Blogger. As you can see I love all things to do with CREATION.”

My newest VENTURE is digital course creation, automation, and design. AFTER running  Katie Merritt Consulting for 7 years, I decided to incorporate my mission into my business.

“Empowering Codependent women to use my brand, #thepowerofpain, to get the life you deserve.”



As an AUTHOR, TV PRODUCER, TEACHER, and COURSE Creator, I am going ALL in.

For those of you who love Marketing,  affiliate marketing is one of the FASTEST and EASIEST ways to PROMOTE. As a TIKTOK influencer, I promote everything and everyone.

Good or bad, “ornery.”

As an Amazon Affiliate myself, I use it to promote my books. Here is my LATEST RELEASE, “The Back Road to You.”

Disclaimer: As an #AmazonAffiliate, I make money from sharing products and services offered by #Amazon.


Since this book, “The Back Road to You”, is mine, I make money from selling it using Amazon as well. If you want to BUY directly from me, use my direct website. Send me an EMAIL Katie Merritt Author Page  The Power of Pain Katie Merritt Consulting Katie Merritt Consulting or Katie Merritt Author Page .



Use the #affiliate link below. ⏬️


☑️📖READ the BLURB Below ⏬️⏬️⏬️


Join my TIKTOK channel for the latest Marketing tips, tricks, and #PRODUCTIVITY LIVES every MONDAY.


A Special THANKS

I want to thank my biggest fans for supporting my journey. My daughter, Bella, my friends, Cassie, Megan, and Christie. My all-time number one fan, Johnny Cash.

Why I promote EVERYONE!

I like to support local businesses and entrepreneurs by promoting them on <#wednesdaypromos>.

New Romance novel in the MAKING!

This NOT only shows YOU care about others, but it CREATES BRAND AWARENESS for Your Business. This is what I call, “EMPATHETIC MARKETING.”

A Wednesday PROMO- IMAGIKA (Binghamton, NY)

This is HOW I RUN my Digital Marketing Platform and Business!

I decided I wanted a space to CREATE a replica of what I’ve been doing for a year. That’s HOW this BLOG came to be. If anything, my hope is that YOU take the information, and my story to CREATE a fire inside of YOU so deep that YOU get the LIFE YOU DESERVE.

“You, Abel, will forever be my savior!”

kmmerrittauthor, “Abel is My Savior”
Book 2- The Road Back to You series

Affirmations and Positive Thoughts

How I USE my BRAND Daily?

What is YOUR PAIN point?

What is YOUR WHY?

I Live my LIFE TEACHING how I turn PAIN into a POSITIVE.

Happy Sunday!