Chapter 10
To the one who brought me here:
E.H. – “the one who got away.”
For those of you in the digital marketing world, you’ve heard of affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is like being braindead. It’s a no brainer. You don’t have to be rich to know that marketing for an affiliate is the same way you promote.
In today’s digital marketing world, people flock to spamming links or calling out what they do. Instead of using a marketing strategy, they lose that lead before they have even began. An introduction is not meant to promote.
Promoting is the last step to self actualization. When you think about anything, do you automatically introduce yourself or do you think about the thought first?
Marketing is the same way. You need to think before you take action. When promoting a brand, you need to think first.
Promote a company, a nonprofit, a product or a service?
Yes, the answer is still the same. You need a marketing strategy. If you are living in the digital world, you will definitely see affiliate marketing.
For those who are new to the digital world, don’t look up an article using the keywords, “What is affiliate marketing?” This will tell you to become an affiliate of such an such a company. That will not give you a definition.
A definition is what you need to effectively promote for a company, a brand, a product, service, or even a nonprofit.
The definition is: “to promote anything or everything and generate an income through digital marketing.” That is exactly what I do everyday, all day. It’s called “Marketing.”
Marketing means: “to promote.”
Go ahead, I know you’ll type it on Google. If you believed everything you read on the internet, you would know this book is too. Now definitely, go ahead, look up this book.
Type in: #theroadbacktoyouseries, “The Power of Pain, brand” “Codependency No More,” (digital marketing course guide, textbook, and homeschooling textbook). The Only Training Manual You’ll Need for Marketing.
Now that you’ve found this book on the internet, congratulations, you’ve found the Road you want to be on. This book is not only a step by step book on how to build your brand, while building your business. It is a textbook, homeschooling curriculum, and training manual for employees, work studies, internship, and you.
The reason I developed this book is to empower, to teach you to stop being Codependent and rid the evil and get the life you deserve.
The reason is simple. It’s my mission to create positivity in the world. To end the corruption, the narcissism, the Codependency, and most of all; EVIL. Negativity. To promote self care, positivity, and empathy. To cure everything bad in the world. Most of all, mental health. Without evil and Negativity, depression wouldn’t exist. That is my mission statement.
Without a purpose, you cannot create, develop, grow. Marketing exists for the sole purpose of positivity. I promote everything. Good and bad. Ornery.
The reason I do is to create change in a positive way. I want the world to see me, hear me, listen to me. Most of all: You. I want you to see me for me. Not an evil witch. Not a cheater. A liar or something else you believe.
This is PTSD. This is triggers. Trauma. Evil. Negativity.
Without your support, I wouldn’t be here. Most of all, I wouldn’t believe in myself again.
So again, marketing means “to promote. Good or bad, ornery.”
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Brought to You by,
“Empowering Codependent individuals to use #ThePowerofPain brand to rid the evil and get the life you deserve.”